Tesco Towers Tirade - Redbridge Site 67

Massive implications of the Tesco Towers proposed by LBR and Weston Homes.

Site 67 - 822 High Road, Goodmayes Plan for Tesco's site started off as 449 homes, a primary school and a Health Facility.

Then is became 1360 apartments

According to Weston Homes, the developers, its actually up to 1400 homes. Now with workshops and cafes (its not like there are no cafes there at the moment!). And .. 'creation of an enhanced public realm on the site'. 

A 'realm' a kingdom, a sovereign state?? how about the existing Realm and 'the defense of the Realm'?

Weston Homes go to some length to say that Tesco will maintain a continuity of trading throughout the creation of this. What of the lives of local residents?

The partnership 'Weston and Tesco' are looking to create a new community. At the expense of the existing community?

Sign THE PETITION Objections to the proposal states:

Over population - adding at least 3000 more people to a densely populated area. And that is before the numerous other developments in the same area are taken into consideration. No point looking at the number of proposed homes, its bound to be tripled!

Redbridge's Local Plan states that Redbridge has the joint 2nd highest average household size in England and Wales of 2.8, making over-crowding a real issue, with 5,848 households found to be over-crowded. Exactly how does adding another 3000+ people help?

Incidentally, how are they planing to go from 449 homes to 1400? Tower Blocks!. 22 floor tower blocks. Given recent history (can a fire engine get up 22 floors) and all the research on the detrimental effects of creating tower blocks why is this even being considered when many have been pulled down.

The evidence cited is compelling. Survey after survey, in country after country, shows that people don’t like high-rise blocks. They want five storeys, maximum. They like private gardens, not communal space. People who actually live in multi-storeys don’t want to have families there. The adults suffer from more stress, mental health difficulties, neurosis and marital discord – and the children suffer from more stress, hyperactivity, hostility and juvenile delinquency. Suicides are higher. So are vandalism and anti-social behaviour. There is less of a sense of community and interaction. (https://capx.co/the-trouble-with-tower-blocks/)

Local Residents are angry - yes LBR they are the ones that pay for your service. The ones you are responsible to, the ones who have paid council tax year on year. Not the new people (or foreign investors) you want to bring to the borough. The ones living here now.

Redbridge intend to hold the 'Drop ins' that have become common place round here. And yes we are getting used to what happens.

Very few residents (if any) receive notification, when questioned you will say you are not responsible for Royal Mail. You say they will listen to residents' concerns and thank us for them while totally ignoring them (go on prove us wrong - please!).

Just in case you haven't received the invite to the Drop In's here are the dates:
Thurs 16 May 2019 11.30am - 3pm
Fri      17 May 2019, 2.00pm - 8pm

Sat      18 May 2019, 10.30am - 2.30pm

A chance to meet like -minded residents. Will Tesco be offering free drinks?

We are sure that the council think that we don't see the bigger picture, that we don't want change, that we don't understand the need for housing.

We do see the bigger picture, we do want change, we don't want this housing, its just a completely different song sheet, one you are not listening to.

One thing London Borough of Redbridge are succeeding in is bringing the community together albeit against their plans. See you at the next drop in.