Showing posts with label Wildlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wildlife. Show all posts

Bats at Billet Road RM6


Nightwatch Survey in Aug 2022 found:


Common Pipistrelle

Soprano Pipistrelle

Supporting Documents: 'Urban Edge' say: Very low levels of bat activity by a small number of common and widespread species recorded during the surveys completed to date.

Essex Bat Group say that noctule are relatively scarce in Essex, sometimes seen on a summer evening. The pipistrelle are more widespread.

Whether there is low or high activity, common or scarce, bats are protected.

And that's not all, there's the Barn owls

Bats at Padnall Green Space

Bats have been seen by Padnall residents for many years, generally coming from the trees along the A12 on the open green space, opposite Moby Dick pub which is where Befirst want to build 300 new homes.

A resident was able to catch one of the bats on video on Sunday night. They move fast!!

Help us stop them from destroying the local wildlife, removing trees and grassing over the lake island.

Online Petition see here

View the planning documents here to comment on the planning application email