Bellway are trying to back out of the 10% BNG requirement set by Redbridge Council
When Redbridge approved Bellway's enabling works application to cap the contaminated landfill they stated:
"In order to mitigate this loss (permanent major effect on habitat) and achieve a net biodiversity gain a pre commencement condition will be secured requiring submission of a strategy demonstrating biodiversity enhancement for the site in order to mitigate the loss from the enabling works.
The strategy shall include details of how, where and when a 10% biodiversity net gain calculated in line with Table 2 of CIEEM Biodiversity Net Gain reprt and audit templates (July 2021) and based on the baseline Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (Urban Edge Environmental Consulting, Sept 2022) can be achieved.
Reasons: In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2021), Policy LP39 of the Local Plan and Policy G6 of the London Plan (requires a net biodiversity gain in schemes). Also relevant LP19 Climate change mitigation, LP37 Green Infrastructure & Blue Ribbon network, LP38 Protecting Trees and Enhancing the Landscape."
One year on, Bellway now disagree with the 10% BNG saying it was not mandatory at the time and they won't know a strategy demonstrating how, where and when a biodiversity net gain will be delivered before the enabling works start.
Is it true that they don't know? on their website they say 'how' and 'where'.
Bellway are working with landscape consultants to design a dense planted buffer which will not only promote the privacy of existing residents along the length of the eastern boundary of the site, but also provide useful green amenity space and improve local biodiversityWhat does Bellway think about Biodiversity?
Bellway Group Head of Biodiversity, said: “This is such an important topic as we look to understand, and enhance biodiversity within our developments. By providing enhancements to habitats, we are working to find the best possible solutions for our customers and the communities we create and increase the prevalence of nature within every new development."
- Redbridge require a 10% BNG for the capping application, due to the complete loss of biodiversity as a result of the application. Relevant LP Policies, LP19, LP37, LP38, LP39
- Redbridge can add conditions at their discretion, they provided their reasons. The condition is precise and reasonable.
- Bellway did not object to this condition at the time or during the last year.
- If Redbridge have to re-consider the application then 10% BNG is now mandatory.
- If Redbridge remove the condition they will set a precidence and have to do the same for other approved developments. We have found at least 4 approved around the same time with 10% BNG conditions. Along with many others nationally.
- Redbridge declared a climate emergency on 20th June 2019.
- Natural England would need to be consulted over any changes.
- EIA scoping recommends additional compensatory habitat enhancement and or creation needs to be embedded and secured by condition.