Our Green and pleasant land - not 'just ploughed fields'

Redbridge's Operational Director of Regeneration & Property seems to have the most unpleasant view of our heritage and refers to our beautiful Green Belt as 'just ploughed fields',

It seems to us that, of all people, members of the local council should acknowledge and respect the area that they work for and the residents that live here.

In any event, fields that are ploughed are in use, are achieving something, they are providing for us, not only as a source of food and employment but in the case of the Green belt Redbridge wish to destroy, rapeseed.

Rapeseed is the third-largest source of vegetable oil and second-largest source of protein meal.

Crops of rapeseed, were among the earliest plants to be cultivated by mankind as early as 10,000 years ago.

Plus its bright yellow appearance attracts bees which are so important to our environment.

And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon Englands mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!
 (William Blake)