The London Markets

The three massive markets Redbridge propose to move on to our Green belt are

Billingsgate Fish Market

Opening hours -  Tuesday to Saturday 4:00am - 8:00am

New Spitalfields Market, Fruit, veg and flowers

Opening hours - Monday to Saturday Midnight to 11am

Smithfields Meat Market

Opening hours - Monday to Friday 2am - midday

No doubt deliveries are outside of these times so the goods are there ready to be sold once they open to buyers.

Set in the middle of green belt would be 162 acres of fish, meat and veg, with constant traffic, deliveries coming and going, visitors, traders,  public etc etc.

Here are some extracts from 'A night in the day of a Market Trader'
 By 10pm (9pm on Sundays) the deliveries begin to arrive in lorries the size of small barns, which queue up at the lock-ons, waiting for their cargo to be unloaded.
 anytime between one and one-thirty, the place is a hive of activity.
  Selling mostly finishes around seven, although a few of us will carry on until about 10…
Would the residents of Billet Road get any peace from the noise and traffic let alone being able to sleep!