3 Markets go to Barking Reach!

After months of campaigning against LBR's proposal to dump Billingsgate, Smithfields and New Spitalfields on Fairlop Plain , Green Belt, the City of London Corporation thankfully made the right decision and stated that Barking Reach, Dagenham is its preferred choice.

Meanwhile Redbridge's proposal is added to the list of madcap ideas in the annuals of history, along with the airport and racecourse on Fairlop Plain.

As London continues to move East, and LBR tries its best to make as much money out of it, frequently at the dismay of its residents (Reminder - they vote for you) we need to keep our Green Belt - The Lungs of London

London Borough of Redbridge - You might want to take head of the Petition against this plan, 2,960 people said NO to building on Redbridge Green Belt.