Aecom & London Borough of Redbridge

Letter from Aecom to Redbridge
In December 2014, we submitted representations to the Preferred Options Report Extension consultation on behalf of East Thames under the name of URS, our legacy company. This presented a comprehensive case for de-allocating the land south of Billet Road from the Green Belt. 

We submitted further representations in July 2016 to the Local Plan Review 2015-2030: Pre-Submission Draft consultation. This supported the objectives of the pre-submission draft.
The Council’s proposed housing supply is mainly brownfield, these opportunities may be less deliverable than the larger greenfield sites as they are small, fragmented, in multiple ownerships, and tend to have relatively more physical constraints.
 So that says it all, there is brownfield but it may be less deliverable - does that translate as more expensive?

Aecom article 'Optimising build to rent returns'  probably explains their great interest in the Billet Road site 99. But what does it mean to those living in London Borough of Redbridge and wanting homes? Will they be able to afford any? will they all be sold to 'investors'?

East Thames Housing Association Design requirements

URS Representations on behalf of East Thames Group