Pollution - Breathe London Air Quality - Marks Gate - A12

 Breathe London Air Quality monitoring project has revealed that almost 40% of the nitrogen oxide pollution at schools comes from road transport, with diesel cars being the single biggest emitter.

The audit recommendations will include measures such as closing surrounding roads, walking and scooting campaigns and tackling engine idling.

So we are left wondering why BeFirst LBBD wish to build 300 family homes along the A12 at Padnall Lake, Marks Gate.

  • The A12 is a very busy road, carrying all types of traffic including diesel cars
  • The proposed site is directly adjacent to the A12
  • The 300 homes the proposed to build there will house families with children
  • There is a set of traffic lights where Whalebone Lane crossed the A12, therefore there will be traffic queues when the lights are red and vehicle engines idling. These queues will be alongside the proposed development.
But the biggest question is why haven't they tested/monitored the air quality at the proposed site?
Red area is the proposed site, the blue is Havering monitoring sites and the single green dot is LBBD. 

Here are examples of the queuing traffic along the A12 taken during lockdown! its far worse during normal life.

Once the green space barrier has gone as homes are built on it as well as a new road running along it, parking spaces and 2 new access roads, the pollution will only increase.

Proper testing and monitoring must be done at the site before they put families with children on the A12.