Padnall Lake and Green Space Biodiversity debate from 73.84% to 530% - is it true?

This is what BeFirst Planning Officer told the Planning Committee:

"The proposed development seeks to be built on open space nevertheless there will be a 513% increase in biodiverse planting which contributes to the urban greening factor of 0.6 which comfortably exceeds the guidance set out by the London Plan" (1.138)

This is what they told The Mayor of London /GLA:

"The proposal would provide significant landscaping and biodiversity benefits. There would be a 530% increase in biodiverse planting on the site" (item 27) 

But what did the actual Biodiversity Report say?

"The Biodiversity Net Gain assessment shows that with the current proposed landscape design, it is possible for the proposed development to achieve a 73.84 % net gain for area-based habitats, a 24.05% increase for linear habitats and a 0.33 hectare increase for trees." 

So the Aug 2020 Biodiversity Report said 73.84% increase, the report to The Mayor of London Oct 2020 says 530% increase, the report to the Planning Committee Nov 2020 says 513%.

When does the amount go down to the original 73.84% ? 

Next we will look at how they say they will make the increase, not sure whether that's the 73.84% or the 513% increase or even the 530% increase or none!