Bellway Capping - Permanent MAJOR NEGATIVE effect on extent of habitat says Ecology Assessment


The Significant effect on important ecology and nature conservation

Bellways 'enabling works' will cause Permanent, significant negative effect at local level according to the Ecology Assessment.

Permanent Major negative effect on breeding bird assemblage at the Local level

Habitat loss and damage, degradation and pollution, killing and injury of animals, displacement of animals.

Breeding Birds

Of the native species recorded during the 2022 surveys, the Site was found to support six confirmed breeding species, eleven probable breeding species, and eight possible breeding species, including ten Red and Amber Listed species and five SPI. Loss of c.7.63ha of grassland-scrub mosaic and woodland habitat for breeding birds and c.500m of hedgerow during the construction phase represents a major magnitude negative impact resulting in a permanent reduction in the available extent of breeding habitat during the short term. The impact is permanent and is of significance at the Local level.

Disturbance to birds breeding in adjacent areas may result from construction activities, including people and vehicle movements, noise and vibration, and has the potential to cause reductions in breeding bird territory occupancy and density.

No replacement semi-natural habitats will be provided within the Site under the current proposals. The site supported a moderately rich breeding bird assemblage in a relatively urban context, including 10 species of conservation concern (though two of these are not of concern as a result of rarity or declines in a UK context). The site is considered to be of Local Importance for its breeding bird species.

Hedgerows, scrub and woodland were the most important breeding habitats, but the larger grassland areas provided foraging areas for some species, including red listed house sparrow and starling.

Confirmed breeding birds:
Dunnock, Whitethroat, Great Tit, Long-tailed tit, Goldfinch, Swallow.

Possible breeding birds:
Song thrush, Wren, Woodpidgeon, Robin, Blackbird, Chiff Chaff, Black cap, Lesser whitethroat, Pied wagtail, Collared Dove, Carrion Crow, 

Possible breeding birds:
Greenfinch, House Sparrow, Linnet, Starling, Sparrowhawk, Blue Tit, Magpie, Great spotted woodpecker.

Bio Diversity Net Gain -100%