Showing posts with label Brownfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brownfield. Show all posts

Brownfield sites available for 12,579 homes in Redbridge

The Green Belt of Redbridge is being destroyed despite the fact that there are brownfield sites available - WHY??

According to Campaign to Protect Rural England / Redbridge Council:

12,579 homes can be built on 128 identified brownfield sites in Redbridge

See Ilford Recorder.

Lets at least start with these. Stop wasting time and money trying to destroy the Green Belt, build the homes on the brown field sites and then see what, if anything else, is needed and also look at the brown field sites that have been missed off the register or any that have subsequently become available.

According to Redbridge Council the Local Plan was widely consulted on - with who? certainly not with the local residents. These being the people that actually pay for all this in the first place.

The Ilford recorder reported on the the saving of Oakfields playing fields in Barkingside BUT failed to report on the loss of Green Belt at Billet Road. So instead of 850 homes being built on Oakfields (Green Belt) they are to be built on Billet Road (Green Belt).

According to DEFRA the very site Redbridge want to build homes and a school on is Landfill.