Oakfield Conspiracy Theory?

 Oakfield Conspiracy Theory? 

Here is The Save Oakfield Society's reply!

Jas Athwal says the fears of losing Oakfield are a conspiracy theory. But neither he nor his Deputy, Kam Rai, deny that hundreds of youngsters of Bealonians football club are going to be booted off this magnificent ground (an Asset of Community Value) in favour of a wealthy, private company - West Ham Football Club.

Although a life-long fan of the Hammers, I believe this is wrong on every level. Bealonians are also a life-long acquaintance of mine – as talented and respected adversaries on the field of play! But they carry my profound respect for their hugely impressive contribution to grass roots sport in Ilford over many decades.

They should be allowed – even begged – to remain on the Oakfield Playing Fields as an FA Chartered Standard Club, a registered Charity that is completely open to all the community for health, fitness and character development from age five upwards.

Up the Hammers! But not on our Oakfield, please. That must be kept open, green playing fields in its entirety for all the people of Redbridge.

Yours etc.,

Dr Chris Nutt


The Save Oakfield Society