Showing posts with label West Ham Academy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Ham Academy. Show all posts

Oakfield Playing Fields under Threat - AGAIN

In Feb there was a Conspiracy Theory, according Jas Athwal. West Ham's Little Heath training ground is rumoured to be moving to Oakfield Playing Fields. This would free up the West Ham's training ground area to be added to the Billet Road Site 99 development and all the 'Clubs could face the boot for West Ham

Conspiracy Theory is True

SOS, The Save Oakfield Society  has reported that:
"The London Borough of Redbridge (LBR) has now stated that its preferred future tenant on a third of the site (half the open grass pitches and a pavilion) is a Private, Commercial Company which would occupy the space solely for its own use. This will deny access to the public land, its green open space and large community hub pavilion".

The 'Private, Commercial Company' is West Ham - no conspiracy, just fact.

The council are selling council owned land at Billet Road to a developer and evicting grass roots clubs from Oakfield, multiple football and cricket pitches would be lost to the public along with the pavilion if this goes ahead. All without any form of consultation.

Save Oakfield Society wrote to the GLA last week and have allowed us to publish their letter and attachment:

Oakfield Conspiracy Theory?

 Oakfield Conspiracy Theory? 

Here is The Save Oakfield Society's reply!

Jas Athwal says the fears of losing Oakfield are a conspiracy theory. But neither he nor his Deputy, Kam Rai, deny that hundreds of youngsters of Bealonians football club are going to be booted off this magnificent ground (an Asset of Community Value) in favour of a wealthy, private company - West Ham Football Club.

Although a life-long fan of the Hammers, I believe this is wrong on every level. Bealonians are also a life-long acquaintance of mine – as talented and respected adversaries on the field of play! But they carry my profound respect for their hugely impressive contribution to grass roots sport in Ilford over many decades.

They should be allowed – even begged – to remain on the Oakfield Playing Fields as an FA Chartered Standard Club, a registered Charity that is completely open to all the community for health, fitness and character development from age five upwards.

Up the Hammers! But not on our Oakfield, please. That must be kept open, green playing fields in its entirety for all the people of Redbridge.

Yours etc.,

Dr Chris Nutt


The Save Oakfield Society

West Ham Academy training ground at Little Heath Hainault Road - Is it moving?

 West Ham Training Ground Little Heath - on the move?

"According to campaign group Save Oakfield Society (SoS), Redbridge Council is in negotiations that could see part of the field used as West Ham’s training grounds."
Ilford Recorder 

Now why would Redbridge be interested in this space and what about the School and the Tennis Club at Little Heath?

West Ham United - Little Heath

Could there be a conspiracy? or is it simply because they want to make the proposed development at Billet Road even bigger?

Billet Road Masterplan .. currently

The white area bottom left is West Ham ground, the school and the tennis courts. 

Local plan will be out soon, no planning applications in yet .. who will be proved right when they appear .. and why all the secrecy???