Bellway's contaminated landfill site described as a ‘toxic timebomb’


Bellway's Contaminated landfill site described as a ‘toxic timebomb’ 

The article in The Yellow Advertsiser and in This is London by Josh Mellor describes the gravel extraction site at Billet Road as being filled with: 

A range of unknown “industrial, domestic and potentially clinical wastes” underground with “elevated concentrations” of toxins.

How big was the gravel extraction area and therefore the landfill?

Thanks to the aerial photo from 20 May 1971 and with the kind permission of Historic England Archive we can see exactly what it was like. Although work continued there after this photo was taken.

Bellway have supplied a map showing where they believe the landfill contamination is, shown in yellow and red.

Overlaying this onto the aerial photo shows they have missed some areas of contamination and that's not including any sections extracted after the aerial photo was taken.