Hainault House to be demolished by Bellway


Hainault House, Billet Road, to be demolished by Bellway

Redbridge's planning portal shows the decision 'granted'  a day before the end date - does that strike anyone as strange?

Publicity started 30 Nov 2022 with end date 20 Dec 2022. The 'Target date' was Christmas Day, guessing no one was available, it was extended to 17 Jan 2023.

Yet the decision was made 16 Jan 2023.

Hainault House  Google maps

Redbridge no longer add 'comments' to their Portal, wouldn't want to give anyone ideas of what to say or perhaps it really is for data protection rather than redacting personal information.

On 5 Jan 2023 yet more planning notices went up on the couple of lamposts in Billet Road that Redbridge seem to like. 

They announced that double yellow lines would be put either side of Bellway's site entrance. Comments within 21 days.

Meanwhile the planning application for 'enabling works' a thinly veiled description for the landfill capping, has a target date of 10 Jan 2023.

BBC News 'Climate Change: 'MP's say building demolitions must be reduced'

"lots of emissions are created to make materials for buildings - such as steel, cement, bricks, glass, aluminium and plastics.

Demolishing and rebuilding creates double emissions by necessitating the manufacture of two lots of construction materials."

And 'Climate change: 'Construction companies told to stop knocking down buildings' 

Redbridge change their mind and actually the decision wasn't made a day early as they've changed the website to 17 Jan 2023