With London Borough of Redbridge's new Local Plan on the horizon and various discussions going on behind closed doors at the council we want to remind everyone of what was previously agreed.
What the inspector said, from Report on the Examination of the Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030, submitted 3/3/2017, hearings Jun and Jul 2017:
Green Belt Allocations
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Oakfield |
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Billet Road |
The Council has undertaken a review of potential Green Belt sites and the RLP proposes to allocate land for development at Oakfield (600 homes), King George and Goodmayes Hospitals (500 homes), Ford Sports Ground (850 homes) and Billet Road (1100 homes). However, having regard to the nature of its surroundings the density proposed at Billet Road is excessive. As a result it is recommended that the indicative capacity is reduced to 800 homes and this figure will be substituted in the report from now on. Each of these sites is covered by a separate policy ‘box’ in the RLP and concept masterplans have been produced for them (LBR2.78).
Billet Road (GB14c) includes Little Heath School which is not allocated for housing. It is bounded by residential development to the east at Marks Gate and there is scattered development immediately to the west and along part of Billet Road. Hainault House within the site is also developed. Its function in preventing sprawl or the merging of settlements is limited. However, there are fields to the north and given the extent of undeveloped frontage to Billet Road there is a visual connection with the land opposite. The A12 runs to the south and is an enclosing feature but from this direction it is apparent that the open parts of the site are contiguous with the countryside. Therefore the land does assist in preventing encroachment.
Oakfield (GB13b) is divided from the rest of Fairlop Plain by the railway embankment and is largely enclosed by housing. Whilst the position on the ground may not have changed since the original designation this does not preclude a review being undertaken now against Green Belt purposes. Because it is more or less surrounded by development and the railway line and due to its function the land cannot be categorised as countryside. Neither does it check sprawl or prevent the merging of Barkingside with Hainault. Oakfield therefore performs poorly against the five Green Belt purposes.
Billet Road also assists in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment. But just because a site contributes in some way to Green Belt purposes does not mean it cannot be released. Indeed, there are other factors to put into the equation.
Furthermore, the sites are important in meeting the infrastructure needs of the Borough. Schools are proposed on all 4 of them and community hubs on all bar Ford Sports Ground. The concept masterplans show that this is feasible although provision is unlikely to be required until the later stages of the plan period. Adjustments may be required if more places become available through free school providers and the locality hub at Oakfield is an alternative to the modernisation of the Fullwell Cross Health Centre. Notwithstanding these caveats the ability to provide accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its health, social and cultural wellbeing is one of the dimensions of sustainable development. Accordingly this is also a matter of significant weight.
In general terms all of the sites are reasonably suited to housing. That is particularly the case for Oakfield given the close proximity to Fairlop underground station and the services and facilities at Barkingside District Centre. The other 3 sites all adjoin existing housing but are further from Goodmayes Local Centre and the stations along the Elizabeth Line. However, the A12 is a public transport corridor allowing links to Newbury Park underground station. So these 3 sites do not have the highest credentials in terms of an accessible location but neither are they places where new housing would be unacceptable.
At Billet Road traffic in the surrounding area is increasing and there is evidence of long tailbacks on Hainault Road/Billet Road, congestion and difficulties at the roundabout and additional traffic along Painters Road and Aldborough Road North. These problems are acknowledged but the impact of any specific proposals could be mitigated following detailed studies. Given this, there is insufficient evidence that the residual cumulative impacts of development would be severe. No adverse transport impacts have been identified at any of the other sites and the consequences for air quality have been assessed and would be within relevant limits.Replacement sports pitch provision for Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground
Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground are in use as sports pitches. The intention is for these to be replaced at Hainault Recreation Ground, Forest Road and Goodmayes Park Extension. To accord with paragraph 74 of the NPPF this Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030, Inspector’s Report January 2018 should be done by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in suitable locations.
As land owner of Oakfield and of the proposed replacement sites the Council is well placed to ensure a smooth transfer and that both capital and on-going costs can be met. The policy provisions could give certainty that new housing development and replacement sports provision would go hand-in-hand. Furthermore, the development of Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground is expected at the end of the plan period so there will be time for the specific actions to be undertaken.
As accepted by Sport England at the hearings the re-location of the pitches is technically feasible. Issues of future management of the sites and of security are not so insuperable as to preclude the allocations. Nevertheless the upheaval that would be caused would be considerable and the disruption may last for some while during a ‘settling in’ period. Furthermore, there is an especially strong affinity with the land at Oakfield given the investment made in terms of both time and finance. However, the new pitches would develop their own identity and it is not unknown for clubs and players at all levels of sport to move their ‘home’ from one place to another. The listing of Oakfield as an Asset of Community Value is due to expire in 2021. This and the lifting of covenants do not materially affect whether the allocation is justified. Hainault is within an area safeguarded for mineral extraction but the risks to future displacement of any new facility are very low.
There are exceptional circumstances to warrant altering the Green Belt boundary to allow housing development at Billet Road and King George and Goodmayes Hospital sites. This is because of the limited contributions they make to Green Belt purposes, locational and site specific matters, the provision of new education and health facilities and the need for releases to meet the requirement for housing. These sites would promote sustainable patterns of development as referred to in paragraph 84 of the NPPF. However, when the overall loss of playing pitch provision is added into the balance that is not the case for Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground. Once spaces of this nature are gone they are gone for good. In response to my advice (IED012) the Council proposes to remove these allocations from the RLP.
Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground have an existing function as playing pitches. Because of this they can be distinguished from the two other strategic housing sites that are to be released from the Green Belt. Having considered the wider implications of not developing those sites it is concluded that exceptional circumstances do not exist to alter the Green Belt boundaries as shown in the RLP. Accordingly to achieve soundness these allocations should be removed and consequential changes made to reflect this including the adjusted housing numbers (MM1, MM8, MM16 & MM17). Given its relationship with the Ford Sports Ground the proposed removal of Seven Kings Park and the Barley Lane allotments from the Green Belt should also not proceed. Furthermore, to provide a consistent boundary with Oakfield there is no compelling reason to remove the school playing fields at Fairlop Plan (GB14b) from the Green Belt.