For Residents of Billet Road RM6, Aldborough Hatch, Marks Gate, Little Heath, Bellway Kingsgate Park, Contaminated landfill. Human Rights -Article 14: Article 1 of Protocol 1 (Right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions and protection of property).
Redbridge Planning Application Publicity dates
Hainault House to be demolished by Bellway
Hainault House, Billet Road, to be demolished by Bellway
Redbridge's planning portal shows the decision 'granted' a day before the end date - does that strike anyone as strange?
Publicity started 30 Nov 2022 with end date 20 Dec 2022. The 'Target date' was Christmas Day, guessing no one was available, it was extended to 17 Jan 2023.
Yet the decision was made 16 Jan 2023.
Hainault House Google maps |
Redbridge no longer add 'comments' to their Portal, wouldn't want to give anyone ideas of what to say or perhaps it really is for data protection rather than redacting personal information.
On 5 Jan 2023 yet more planning notices went up on the couple of lamposts in Billet Road that Redbridge seem to like.
They announced that double yellow lines would be put either side of Bellway's site entrance. Comments within 21 days.
Meanwhile the planning application for 'enabling works' a thinly veiled description for the landfill capping, has a target date of 10 Jan 2023.
BBC News 'Climate Change: 'MP's say building demolitions must be reduced'
"lots of emissions are created to make materials for buildings - such as steel, cement, bricks, glass, aluminium and plastics.
Demolishing and rebuilding creates double emissions by necessitating the manufacture of two lots of construction materials."
And 'Climate change: 'Construction companies told to stop knocking down buildings'
Bellway's contaminated landfill site described as a ‘toxic timebomb’
Bellway's Contaminated landfill site described as a ‘toxic timebomb’
Bats at Billet Road RM6
Nightwatch Survey in Aug 2022 found:
Common Pipistrelle
Soprano Pipistrelle
Supporting Documents: 'Urban Edge' say: Very low levels of bat activity by a small number of common and widespread species recorded during the surveys completed to date.
Essex Bat Group say that noctule are relatively scarce in Essex, sometimes seen on a summer evening. The pipistrelle are more widespread.
Whether there is low or high activity, common or scarce, bats are protected.
And that's not all, there's the Barn owls
What was found in the Billet Road Contaminated Landfill ?
Industrial, Domestic, potentially clinical waste, found [SD 2.4.10]
Acenaphthene |
Fluorene |
TPH Aliphatic
>EC10 - EC12 |
Acenaphthylene |
Free Product |
TPH Aliphatic >EC12 - EC16 |
Arsenic |
Gross Phenol |
TPH Aliphatic >EC16 - EC21 |
Asbestos |
Hexavalent Chromium |
TPH Aliphatic >EC21 |
Asbestos amosite
fibres |
Hydrocarbons |
TPH Aliphatic >EC5 - EC6 |
Asbestos chrysotile |
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene |
TPH Aliphatic >EC6 - EC8 |
Benz(a)anthracene |
Lead |
TPH Aliphatic >EC8 - EC10 |
Benzene |
Mercury |
TPH Aromatic >EC10 - EC12 |
Benzo(a)pyrene |
Methane |
TPH Aromatic >EC12 - EC16 |
Benzo(b)fluoranthene |
Naphthalene |
TPH Aromatic >EC16 - EC21 |
Benzo(b)fluoranthene |
Nickel |
TPH Aromatic >EC21 - EC35 |
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene |
PAH (total) |
TPH Aromatic >EC5 - EC7 |
Benzo(k)fluoranthene |
PAH ** |
TPH Aromatic >EC7 - EC8 |
Cadmium |
pH |
TPH Aromatic >EC8 - EC10 |
Chromium |
Phenanthrene |
Volatile TPH & BTEX |
Chrysene |
Phenol |
Xylene |
Cooper |
Phytotoxic Metals |
Zinc |
Cyanide |
Pyrene |
Zootoxic Metals |
Dibenz(ah)anthracene |
Sulphate |
Ethylbenzene |
Toluene |
Billet Road - contaminated land capping by Bellway
Residents in Marks Gate on the border of the contaminated land are serously concerned by how close the 'capping' will come to them.
Residents in Marks Gate are worried about:
Potential subsidence
Height of the capping
Noise, lack of privacy, dust, dirt, pollution
Transport issues
Loss of wildlife, bats are a regular sight along with Barn Owls
Transport Issues
Contaminated Land Billet Road RM6 - to be 'Capped' but does anyone know about this?
Contaminated Land at Billet Road RM6 to be 'capped' over the next 3 years
Bellway Homes have sent a nice newsletter to all the residents on the left hand side of this map, but all those living on the right hand side in London Borough of Barking and Dagenham have been left in the dark again!
If you live in Billet Rd, Rowan Way, Coral Close, Uplands Road, Hope Close, Nash Road, Cavalier Close, Gregory Road, Kallar Lodge, Marks Gate, this is going to effect you!
So to help out here is the newsletter
Oakfield Playing Fields under Threat - AGAIN
In Feb there was a Conspiracy Theory, according Jas Athwal. West Ham's Little Heath training ground is rumoured to be moving to Oakfield Playing Fields. This would free up the West Ham's training ground area to be added to the Billet Road Site 99 development and all the 'Clubs could face the boot for West Ham'
Conspiracy Theory is True
"The London Borough of Redbridge (LBR) has now stated that its preferred future tenant on a third of the site (half the open grass pitches and a pavilion) is a Private, Commercial Company which would occupy the space solely for its own use. This will deny access to the public land, its green open space and large community hub pavilion".
The 'Private, Commercial Company' is West Ham - no conspiracy, just fact.
Save Oakfield Society wrote to the GLA last week and have allowed us to publish their letter and attachment:
Oakfield and Billet Road -Redbridge Local Plan 2015 - 2030
With London Borough of Redbridge's new Local Plan on the horizon and various discussions going on behind closed doors at the council we want to remind everyone of what was previously agreed.
What the inspector said, from Report on the Examination of the Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030, submitted 3/3/2017, hearings Jun and Jul 2017:
Green Belt Allocations
The Council has undertaken a review of potential Green Belt sites and the RLP proposes to allocate land for development at Oakfield (600 homes), King George and Goodmayes Hospitals (500 homes), Ford Sports Ground (850 homes) and Billet Road (1100 homes). However, having regard to the nature of its surroundings the density proposed at Billet Road is excessive. As a result it is recommended that the indicative capacity is reduced to 800 homes and this figure will be substituted in the report from now on. Each of these sites is covered by a separate policy ‘box’ in the RLP and concept masterplans have been produced for them (LBR2.78).
Replacement sports pitch provision for Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground
Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground are in use as sports pitches. The intention is for these to be replaced at Hainault Recreation Ground, Forest Road and Goodmayes Park Extension. To accord with paragraph 74 of the NPPF this Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030, Inspector’s Report January 2018 should be done by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in suitable locations.
As land owner of Oakfield and of the proposed replacement sites the Council is well placed to ensure a smooth transfer and that both capital and on-going costs can be met. The policy provisions could give certainty that new housing development and replacement sports provision would go hand-in-hand. Furthermore, the development of Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground is expected at the end of the plan period so there will be time for the specific actions to be undertaken.
As accepted by Sport England at the hearings the re-location of the pitches is technically feasible. Issues of future management of the sites and of security are not so insuperable as to preclude the allocations. Nevertheless the upheaval that would be caused would be considerable and the disruption may last for some while during a ‘settling in’ period. Furthermore, there is an especially strong affinity with the land at Oakfield given the investment made in terms of both time and finance. However, the new pitches would develop their own identity and it is not unknown for clubs and players at all levels of sport to move their ‘home’ from one place to another. The listing of Oakfield as an Asset of Community Value is due to expire in 2021. This and the lifting of covenants do not materially affect whether the allocation is justified. Hainault is within an area safeguarded for mineral extraction but the risks to future displacement of any new facility are very low.
There are exceptional circumstances to warrant altering the Green Belt boundary to allow housing development at Billet Road and King George and Goodmayes Hospital sites. This is because of the limited contributions they make to Green Belt purposes, locational and site specific matters, the provision of new education and health facilities and the need for releases to meet the requirement for housing. These sites would promote sustainable patterns of development as referred to in paragraph 84 of the NPPF. However, when the overall loss of playing pitch provision is added into the balance that is not the case for Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground. Once spaces of this nature are gone they are gone for good. In response to my advice (IED012) the Council proposes to remove these allocations from the RLP.
Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground have an existing function as playing pitches. Because of this they can be distinguished from the two other strategic housing sites that are to be released from the Green Belt. Having considered the wider implications of not developing those sites it is concluded that exceptional circumstances do not exist to alter the Green Belt boundaries as shown in the RLP. Accordingly to achieve soundness these allocations should be removed and consequential changes made to reflect this including the adjusted housing numbers (MM1, MM8, MM16 & MM17). Given its relationship with the Ford Sports Ground the proposed removal of Seven Kings Park and the Barley Lane allotments from the Green Belt should also not proceed. Furthermore, to provide a consistent boundary with Oakfield there is no compelling reason to remove the school playing fields at Fairlop Plan (GB14b) from the Green Belt.
Redbridge to sell Council owned land to developers
In a Redbridge Cabinet meeting on 14 Sept 2021 the Leader (Jas Athwal) and Cabinet member for Growth and Operations introduced the report and the meeting resolved: That the valuation and sale (land at Billet Road) be approved.
The Council is the owner of 24.7 acres of land at Billet Road.
A larger piece of land 49 acres has already been allocated for development having been removed from the Green Belt despite the Mayor of London refusing saying the land meets the requirements for Green Belt. The green space here has never been built on. But it was a gravel extraction and unlicensed landfill site.
On the same date the Council decided to change from 'Build to Rent' to 'Build to Sell.'
Its all somewhat confusing given that The Leader, Jas Athwal told the Ilford Recorder :
“It’s difficult enough to see much-needed houses and flats lost forever to right to buy. We already have far fewer council homes than neighbouring boroughs and have lost many properties to this scheme.
But my heart sinks when I see data like this. There’s something wrong when people are making huge profits by quickly selling on properties bought at below market prices.”
While back in Aug 2018, Jas Athwal said:
"The council is becoming more “entrepreneurial” he said, buying up properties in Redbridge, and over the next five years he has promised to build 1,000 new high-quality council homes." Ilford Recorder
There may be a different conclusion but in our eyes this is hypocrisy. The Council owned land could have been used to build Council homes.
Curious to know if the sale price was the same as the valuation and where and when this piece of land was advertised for sale - anyone know??
Oakfield Conspiracy Theory?
Oakfield Conspiracy Theory?
Here is The Save Oakfield Society's reply!
Jas Athwal says the fears of losing Oakfield are a conspiracy theory. But neither he nor his Deputy, Kam Rai, deny that hundreds of youngsters of Bealonians football club are going to be booted off this magnificent ground (an Asset of Community Value) in favour of a wealthy, private company - West Ham Football Club.
Although a life-long fan of the Hammers, I believe this is wrong on every level. Bealonians are also a life-long acquaintance of mine – as talented and respected adversaries on the field of play! But they carry my profound respect for their hugely impressive contribution to grass roots sport in Ilford over many decades.
They should be allowed – even begged – to remain on the Oakfield Playing Fields as an FA Chartered Standard Club, a registered Charity that is completely open to all the community for health, fitness and character development from age five upwards.
Up the Hammers! But not on our Oakfield, please. That must be kept open, green playing fields in its entirety for all the people of Redbridge.
Yours etc.,
Dr Chris Nutt
The Save Oakfield Society
From Save our Green Spaces - Hainault Community Group
From our friends at 'Save our Green Spaces - Hainault Community Group (Facebook):